Bolt ha appena rilasciato la nuova versione 1.7. Per chi non lo conosce, Bolt Browser è una via di mezzo tra Opera Mini e Skyfire, abbiamo la possibilità di visualizzare le pagine web in modo molto simile al browser del computer di casa ed è molto veloce come Opera Mini.

ecco le novità in inglese:
* – Support for Widgets (web applications) that can be installed directly from BOLT
* – Direct integration of Twitter Posting
* – Advanced Download Manager – allowing for multiple simultaneous file downloads with pause – resume option
* – Support for Widgets (web applications) that can be installed directly from BOLT
* – Direct integration of Twitter Posting
* – Advanced Download Manager – allowing for multiple simultaneous file downloads with pause – resume option
* – Automatic socket support for most users (resulting in a 15% speed increase)
* – Spanish and Russian language support
* – Support for YouTube videos embedded in 3rd party sites
* – Support for ESPN and CNN videos
* – New shortcut keys that enable users to zoom in or out directly from the keypad, as well as navigating to the top or bottom of a page in full screen view
* – BlackBerry-specific shortcut keys for scrolling to the top, bottom, left, and right of a page
* – Common shortcut keys for both BlackBerry and non-BlackBerry devices with QWERTY keypad
* – More sensitive button support on web forms
* – Search widget to allow editing and searching of selected text on web page
Per il download vi rimando al sito ufficiale.
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